Franklin College is in the beginning stages of building a robust ultrasound training program, and Probo got to see first-hand the excitement surrounding this endeavor when several students visited our warehouse on February 20. At Probo, we not only sell refurbished ultrasound probes, but we repair probes as well. Students got a glimpse of our whole operation in action in addition to receiving some hands-on experience.
Franklin Students visiting Probo Medical
Eleven students toured our facility and were exposed to a bit of in-depth ultrasound knowledge on the different makes and models of US systems, how they're assembled, and how crystals are arranged in a probe. They saw which ultrasound probes are used for what clinical purposes and explored how probes can be refurbished both inside and out. This information will be a helpful addition to what they've been learning in their Ultrasound Physics 101 class, the first of many ultrasound classes to come for Franklin students.
Checking out a probe in action
We hope to have more students visit us here soon, and have plans to begin hosting Franklin College interns in our probe repair department later this year.
About The Author
Brian Gill is Probo Medical’s Vice President of Marketing. He has been in the ultrasound industry since 1999. From sales to service to customer support, he has done everything from circuit board repair and on-site service to networking and PACS, to training clinicians on ultrasound equipment. Through the years, Brian has trained more than 500 clinicians on over 100 different ultrasound machines. Currently, Brian is known as the industry expert in evaluating ultrasounds and training users on all makes and models of ultrasound equipment, this includes consulting with manufacturers with equipment evaluations during all stages of product development.